For more than 60 years, homeowners, designers and contractors have relied on family-owned Snyder Diamond for the very latest styles and technology in decorative bath, built-in appliances and fine hardware. From traditional to contemporary and everything in between, these neighborhood stores have long been recognized as a trusted local source for distinctive personal solutions and best buys on popular national brands. Whether you’re looking to replace an appliance, remodel an outdated powder room, create your own personal spa retreat, or build your dream home, you’ll discover innovative ideas and inspiration, along with experienced associates to answer questions and help solve your project’s challenges. A detailed support team assures personal attention to your project every step of the way. If the true value of your home is measured by the emotional well-being it creates in you, Snyder Diamond showrooms are filled with possibilities sure to spark your imagination.
432 S. Arroyo Parkway
91105 Pasadena